Monday, December 26, 2011

It's Christmas?!?!!

I know I'm a little late to the Christmas party, (as I usually am on a daily basis. It's an issue that I'm working on! But! Back to Christmas!) however, I just want people to stop and think about this day.

Jesus Christ himself!! came down from the heavens, wrapped himself in the likeness of sinful flesh so that one day we might be saved. I mean..... that just blows my mind??! I don't tend to think very highly of myself, so to imagine Our God (OUR GOD) coming to Earth to show the way and then lay his life down for me is Incredible. Me? Who am I? I'm just Alexis?! That girl down the street who babysits the Delahunt girls. The quiet girl behind the cash register at the local store. The one girl that can't seem to get anything right sometimes. I just. I. Words cannot even embody the amazement that I feel simply thinking of that. How Great is Our God. He is Awesome.

So to the anxious and restless and the over-anticipated hearts that woke up this morning wondering what the presents they got were: You should have been thinking about the One who put you on this Earth. Who breathed life into you and gives you the strength to carry on. We should have been giving thanks and worshipping his Holy Name. He is just an amazing God, and I feel abundantly blessed to be a child of God. I thank him for all that he has done in my life, and all that he is getting ready to do. I just wanna thank him for being God. Forever I will worship your name, Lord; that's why I'm here. Merry merry Christmas to all!! And to God be the glory!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Annoyed. ... . .. .

Wanna listen to me vent? Keep Reading!

My family..... is killing me.

Not literally of course, but they are just getting on my nerves kinda/ a little = (a lot). I guess things have changed a whole bunch for me since I've been away at school, but (just like when I was in high school) I do not want to spend all of my time in the house doing absolutely nothing with my time. It's not fun for me. It's not fun for my sisters. And it's definitely not fun for YOU! I mean... you're the one reading this rant right now, aren't you? You're probably not having that much fun doing it.

When I'm by myself at school, I simply walk down the hall or the street to meet up with my friends and hang out you know, chill? Soooo, (just like I would do on any other normal given day) I wanted to see my neighbor who also happens to be a really great friend of mine, when I get a call that my mother wants me to, "get my hips home right now!". Why, you may ask. Well I didn't know either. So, I called.. My mom wants to know why I can't spend time with my own family.
'You go to work half the day and then disappear and don't come back until late in the night and nobody ever gets to see you anymore.'
'Why do you have to watch a movie over there? We watched a movie last week and all you wanted to do was sleep!' (b/c I work
You need to come home and see us, because we wanna spend time with you too, Alexis. (Ughhhhhhhg Asdjckoiq*(5ojbun$%fbs;Slaksd&jfqwe' WHY THE GUILT TRIP!)
It has nothing to do with me not wanting to spend quality time with my family. Not at all. It is simply because: A) my sisters really want nothing to do with me. B) I will have mounds of chores to do because I'm sitting around. C) It is as boring as all get out. And D) I would be told to go do something and get out of the house because all I do at home is sit around...... This is my life people!

But I love them! I can't even put into words how truly blessed I have been to be put into this family, but I'm getting older. And this is just a part of the process, right? At least that's how I'm pretty sure it works. Tell me if I'm wrong! (But actually don't, because I'm ranting right now and feedback is not what ranting is all about *clap clap*) I just wanna do what I want!!! : /  But, I came home out of respect for my parents. I know they just love me so much is all.. I just. I.  I want to be my own independent, self-sufficent, self-reliant person now. An aDuLt! Maybe I'm not ready. I would like to think that I'm ready in my mind, but if the opportunity arose for me to put these 'self-dependent' skills to the test I would more than likely fail. So, I guess that's why I'm here. Blogging my feelings away. Gotta figure these things out one day. 

Still annoying though!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Self-Prescribed Therapy

I think it's good for people to have an outlet and truly express how they feel ya know? Even if it isn't out loud. Some people just really suck at saying what they really want to when it's important (like me!!). So that's why I've started this blog. I usually have a better time at saying things when I have the time to think about it and put it into the perfect combination of words creating almost poetry with every syllable that I choose. I just feel like when I write to myself, no one can make me feel stupid. . . I work better on paper – or on a blog ;) if you will. And so, I guess that's why I'm here.